Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fitness Log #8

Day 7: Sept 19, 2009
Squats - 5x5@50kgs
Bench Press - 5x5@35kgs
Inverted Row - 3xF(20, 15, 15?) @Bodyweight only
Push ups - 3xF(30, 20, 20?) @Bodyweight only
Reverse Crunches - 3x15

Again, squats felt excellent despite the beating I got from the yoga session. I'm up to 50kgs now and I'm very excited on going heavier... slowly of course

Bench press is still on the light side for me but I will stick with the progression for now. Have to keep my patience on this one.

Was not satisfied with my performance on the inverted rows and push ups. I think I could have done better on both. I guess this is where a good gym buddy comes in to push you further.

On another side note, live fire exercises finally pushed though with a few Oracle friends and my war buddies. Shot only a couple of mags and quite satisfied with my shots. I definitely would want to go back and shoot a few more rounds.