Day 6: Sept 16, 2009
Squats - 5x5@45kgs
Overhead Press - 5x5@25kgs
Deadlifts - 1x5@70kgs
Chin-ups - 3xF(12, 8, 6) @Bodyweight only
Prone Bridges - 3x30sec
Squats felt excellent on third set and onwards, I say I probably have gotten the technique pretty much covered. Weight is starting to get heavier so I'm excited for the next couple more weeks.
Overhead press will now increase by 5kgs per cycle, the weight right now is ok. Felt some weirdness on the left elbow but didn't bother me on the 4th and 5th set.
Might stick with 70kgs on the deadlifts, form might get compromised.
Left my daily allowance of milk, good thing there was leftovers here in the office. Will drink the rest before I sleep tonight.
On a different note, I saw Des (former ARPT teammate again) and (Manyak) Danny texted me about an ADMU marathon (for athletes, alumni, etc only) on December 6 to celebrate Ateneo's 150 years. It's either a 3K or a 10K run... doesn't matter, I have enought time to train.
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