Monday, September 28, 2009

Fitness Log #12

Day 11: Sept 28, 2009
Squats - 5x5@70kgs
Overhead Press - 5x5@40kgs
Deadlifts - 1x5@80kgs
Chin-ups - 3xF(15, 8, 6) @Bodyweight only
Prone Bridges - 3x30sec

The workout sucked! In a good way... the weights are starting to add up and the exercises almost destroyed me. The mental aspect of trying to do the exercises properly is starting to manifest itself. There were times I wanted to quit, but good thing Jason was there so I couldn't chicken out.

Not exactly though... we chickened out on the 45kg OHP so we scaled it down to 40kgs. Our first set at 45kg was very hard and doing it for 4 more was going to be impossible.

Squats are definitely getting heavy, form may have been compromised a bit so we are sticking to that weight for now. Same thing with deadlifts.