Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fitness Log #5

Day 5: Sept 14, 2009
Squats - 5x5@40kgs
Bench Press - 5x5@30kgs
Inverted Row - 3xF(20, 15, 10) @Bodyweight only
Push-ups - 3xF(30, 30, 20) @Bodyweight only
Reverse Crunches - 3x12

Getting a little heavy on the squats now, nice thing is that I feel good about squatting deep. Knees still bother me a little, proper warm up next time out is probably in order. Bench press was boring, I'm used to going heavier with more reps but again form is the key and I concentrated on the chest working more than the triceps.
Need more work on the Inverted rows, drop in power is evident after first and second sets. I might need to push more on the pushups despite getting decent numbers, I could have pushed to 35/40 on the first set.

On the GOMAD side, I am now a little more comfortable in finishing an entire liter of milk a day. Might consider bumping up consumption next week.