Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fitness Log #2: Day 2

Day 2: Sept 8, 2009
Squats - 5x5@25kgs
Overhead Press - 5x5@20kgs
Deadlifts - 5x1@60kgs
Chin-ups - Bodyweight only. 3xF(15, 12, 10?)
Prone Bridges - 3x30sec

Felt good on form and weight on squat. Overhead press was new to me, but felt good as core also engages when pressing. Jason and I made a mistake on the Deadlifts, should have been 1 set of 5 reps, form was ok though and weigh was good. Chin-ups were ok as well, with Jason spotting on last few reps.

Started GOMAD, failed to finish 1L of milk. Stomach not used to ridiculous amounts of milk. Still need to eat more on top of that.