Friday, November 20, 2009

Fitness Log #20

Day 19: Nov 13, 2009
Squats - 5x5@80kgs?
Bench Press - 5x5@60kgs
Inverted Rows - 3xF(?)@Bodyweight only
Push-ups - 3xF(?)@Bodyweight only
Reverse crunches - 3x15

I forgot to log this one. Can probably improve on the bench press in terms of weight. Getting bored on the inverted rows and push ups. Might consider push-ups related to doing planche's with the hands nearer the waist.

Day 20: Nov 16, 2009
Squats - 5x5@80kgs
Overhead Press - 5x5@40kgs
Deadlifts - 4x1@100kgs
Chin-ups - 3xF@Bodyweight only
Advanced Prone Bridges - 3x30sec

Squats became better after reading Mark Ripptoe's Starting Strength. Proper technique goes a long way! OHP are back to the way I initially experienced it, time to add weight.

Deadlifts where better this time out. No hesitation, just doing it. Grip failed us yet again. Can only do 2 successive lifts.

Did a variation of the prone bridges which involves moving 4 plates from one side to the other. A lot more difficult... and fun.