Friday, November 06, 2009

Fitness Log #18

Day 17: Oct 30, 2009
Squats - 5x5@75kgs
Bench Press - 5x5@40kgs
Inverted Rows - 3xF(12, 10, 8)@Bodyweight only
Push-ups - 3xF(12,12,12)@Bodyweight only
Reverse crunches - 3x15

Only workout for the week, although I attended another of Jacky's (and Richard's) Dance! Dance! class and release 2.0 of Neo's Body flow.

Increased weight of squats but I was not fully satisfied with my form. Bench press was ok despite changing my grip from a no thumb grip to a "normal" one.

I'm getting bored with the inverted rows and push ups... perhaps adding weight is in order?