Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fitness Log #14 aka I suck

Day 13: Oct 19, 2009
Squats - 5x5@60kgs
Overhead Press - 5x(5,5,4,4,5)@40kgs
Deadlifts - 1x3@90kgs
Chin-ups - 3xF(10, 5, 3) @Bodyweight only
Prone Bridges - 3x30sec

I suck. While the squats were ok and could have done 70kgs, everything else was crap. After a (relatively) long hiatus, I felt some effects of the travel and jetlag. My leg muscles still felt all bunched up (perhaps from the cold Irish weather and the 24 hour flight) so I had to wear knee braces on both knees.

OHP sucked big time. Jerked the weight more than usual and failed to reach 5 reps on 3rd and 4th set. Luckily Daryl came in to help on the 4th set (I nearly failed to do the 4th rep there) and on the last rep of the 5th set. He also gave me quite some time to rest for the 5th set hehe

90kgs of deadlift was a little too much for me. I was shaking all the way up and was not much in control on the way down so I stopped at 3 reps. Might go back down to 80kgs next time.

Chin ups was a mix. I liked the form, but only managed to do 3 proper chin ups on the last set. These were all unassisted though so at least I know where I am.

I made a mistake on the prone bridges as I tried to do them at 1 min intervals hehehe. Only managed to do it successfully on the first set. Next 2 were probably in the region of 45secs, not bad.