Monday, October 19, 2009

Fitness Log #13

Day 12: Sept 25, 2009
Squats - 5x5@60kgs?
Bench Press - 5x5@50kgs
Inverted Row - 3xF(?, ?, ?) @Bodyweight only
Push ups - 3xF(?, ?, ?) @Bodyweight only
Reverse Crunches - 3x12

First (and only) workout in Dublin. I thought that given the stress of international travel would weaken me so I decided to reduce the weight on my squats. I was mistaken there and could have proceeded to do 70kg squats.

Went up to 50kg bench presses as I couldn't find a couple of 10kg plates. Weight was decent. Forgot the number of reps on the inverted rows and push ups, but it was neither pathetic not spectacular.

After more than a week off, I'm back to the gym tonight. Thinking about shifting programs but might as well continue with the program rather than waste my time and effort.