Thursday, December 03, 2009

Lost phone

I lost my phone last Tuesday. I initially thought that I left it at home, for some reason I did not bother calling the house to confirm that. So as soon as I got home I was expecting it to be on my bed, under my pillows or on my desk... I was wrong.

So I told my mom what happened and asked her to cancel my plan (it's actually her account... yes I know). I would be getting a prepaid SIM card to replace my number instead as sooner or later I would have to cancel my account anyway. At first thought, I was concerned with the effort of trying to rebuild my contacts and losing some as well (especially business ones).

Then I started thinking what else I lost. No, I don't have scandals or porn in my cellphone. Some notes and actually a few somewhat numbers but not much security risk I believe.

So the next question really is, what phone do I replace my old one with? Any suggestions? Open line and can be used in N. Americas, Europe and Asia (of course) with most of the bells and whistles. The iPhone 3GS is on that list but will also consider alternatives.