Thursday, May 18, 2006

run or fight?

In certain cases Special Forces soldiers (SF) either disengage contact or head on full force. They lay down a massive amount of fire to cover their retreat and scramble to a pre-determined rally point (PRP) to regroup and re-asses their situation. Or when push comes to shove... close the distance, take the fight to the other side and hope for the best.

This decision is usually done in a split second and the reason the decision taken is backed up by training and experience. If I where in that situation, I think I would just stand still and weather it out. Which is the wrong decision and means that I'm dead.

Both decisions may look opposing, but in actuality they are the same. You do not sit around and wait for things to happen, you act according to your guts and do something. You get up, push hard and complete your objectives.


Unknown said...

is there some sort of subliminal meaning to this post? i know for a fact that sun tzu's art of war is applicable to real and normal scenarios in life. hehehe ...