Monday, November 28, 2005

warrific day

I went to war yesterday after the longest time. At first I thought I would be sitting it out on the sidelines as the battery couldn't crank my newly upgraded gun. Luckily I was able to borrow an extra battery from one of the Apo guys so I was good to go.

The first game came and went with a lot of nothing. I saw an enemy just before the game expired. The second and third games however, got me killed pretty quickly. I have a pretty nasty hit on my head from the 2nd game.

Finally on the last game, I had my first confirmed kill. I was guarding the left flank near the wall, when one of my teammates got hit. I knew there where troops right in front of me. I carefully moved about to get a visual and have a good ambush spot. I heard a couple of them exchange a few words, before one of them darted out towards one of our positions. I hosed him down, missed, and he hit the ground. I adjusted my fire and fired a burst. I heards "HIT! HIT! HIT!" as he raised his arms and weapons. Tango down! Boy did that feel good. I was barely 10 meters away.

I knew his buddies where close as they fired to suppress me as they inched closer. I knew there where probably 2 of them out there so I made a tactical withdrawal, hoping to meet up with a friendly and set-up a better ambush. But alas, time ran out and the game was over.

It was good to be back in action, especially coming out of it with a kill. Hehehe


Anonymous said...

Tactical withdrawal, or desertion? =)

vistan said...

tactical withdrawal.... alam kong outnumbered ako e :P

plus may teammate akong andun, na alam kong mag-isa din. two is one... one is none :P