Socs was bugging me to post some Pinatubo pics in my flicker page, however before I was able to upload a single pic I decided to organize the existing pics I had. It had numerous photos of our Cyprus trip, and given that we went to a lot of places I wanted to make sure that the tags of each picture was accurate.
Now it has been more than a year since then and I forgot the exact names of the places we've been so I started doing some research. I googled for a map of Cyprus and some pictures to help my try to match the places with the names. Limassol, Larnaca, Nicosia, Troodos where identified and with the information I had at my disposal, I realized that the big ass rock in Kakopetria Socs and I mentioned in our previous posts (here and here) was an actual tourist attraction! It's apparently called Petra tou Androgynou.
Although we only stopped at Kakopetria for lunch, its nice to find out that we where able to visit a tourist destination even after all this time.
Now it has been more than a year since then and I forgot the exact names of the places we've been so I started doing some research. I googled for a map of Cyprus and some pictures to help my try to match the places with the names. Limassol, Larnaca, Nicosia, Troodos where identified and with the information I had at my disposal, I realized that the big ass rock in Kakopetria Socs and I mentioned in our previous posts (here and here) was an actual tourist attraction! It's apparently called Petra tou Androgynou.
Although we only stopped at Kakopetria for lunch, its nice to find out that we where able to visit a tourist destination even after all this time.