Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Need an Ateneo shirt and baller ID?
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8:20 AM
Monday, September 15, 2008
The assassination of JM Taylor
The history:
Suspect JM Taylor is leaving the Philippines for the Land of the Rising Sun for a good solid 2 years. His close "friends" wanted to send him off in a body bag.
The preparation:
All the agents that where to be involved were informed weeks prior to the operation. Operational directives were given and Go/No Go statuses confirmed. All agents were in place on the day of the operation, and the key proponents of the assassination convened in the command center (the same command center where the takedown of the Druglord was planned years ago). Various plans were drafted, each with its own set of pros and cons. Murphy, however, was at it again and each time a specific plan was close to being finalized it had to be abandoned. Finally, on the 11th hour, a decision was made and the necessary events were set in motion. The team gathered their gear and prepared for the mission at hand.
The package contents:
1 Rubik's cube
1 numeric keypad
1 "unknown" medical tablet
1 LED light
1 bottle of water
1 bar of chocolate
1 set of instructions to get in the trunk and lock himself in
Mission parameters:
1. Agent V will retrieve the suspect's car keys from his traitorous father (yes his father was in on it, as well as his mother, sister and household help)
2. Mom was to ask suspect to go retrieve "something" from her friend's house
3. Agents V, B, A and S will proceed to pick-up point, and wait for suspect to enter the house. Upon entering the house, Agents V and B will drop off a "package" in car's trunk and proceed to covert observation point.
4. Agent S will send out an anonymous message for the suspect to check the trunk
5. Suspect reads the instructions included in the "package" and knowing its consequences, follows it to the letter.
6. Agents V, B, A and S will proceed and drive the suspect and his car to a safe house and conduct interrogation and torture methods with the "organization".
The events as they transpired:
1. Agent V retrieved the suspect's car keys from his traitorous father
2. Mom friend was not yet home. SNAFU
3. Agents V, B, A and S proceeded to pick-up point, but returned back to suspect's house where the car was parked and droped off the "package" in the car's trunk.
4. Suspect proceeded to usual area of physical training, unaware of his cargo
5. Agent S sent out an anonymous message for the suspect to check the trunk
6. Suspect does not comply and proceeds with his PT. TARFU
7. Agents V and B commandeers the suspect's vehicle and parks it in a more secure location
8. Agent S sent out another anonymous message for the suspect to check the trunk
9. Suspect does not comply and Agents V and B nearly got compromised. Agent A had to perform an evac and pick up the two agents. FUBAR
10. Other communication methods were utilized and intimidation tactics were employed. Comm methods were ineffective.
11. Suspect finally opens the trunk and package. Suspect does not comply with instructions. SNAFU
12. Agent V confronted the suspect personally and persuades the him to get in the f*****g trunk. Suspect complies after nearly an hour and half after the mission started.
13. Agents V, B, A and S proceeded and drove the suspect and his car to a safe house and conduct interrogation and torture methods with the "organization".
14. Interrogation and torture successful. SNAFU
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8:36 AM
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
green-eyed monster
I heard yesterday that a friend of mine won accommodations and tickets for the first ever Formula 1 night race in Singapore in the next couple of weeks. Damn, I am dying with envy. All he needs now is to get plane tickets to Singapore, but that is chicken feed compared to being able to get and pay for accommodations and tickets during the race weekend.
Plus he has a chance to meet Lewis Hamilton in person! I wouldn't say I am a Hamilton fan, I know he is good but I am rooting for another guy to win the championship.
Man, I just can't say how much I would like to go to Singapore for the race. It has always been one of my dreams to watch a Formula 1 race, wherever it may be. But Singapore is the closest and so far seems to be very prestigious as it is the first night race for Formula 1. Perfect timing for him I guess.... dude, take lots of pictures! And give Hamilton a sneaky elbow to the ribs for me hehehe
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6:32 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
getting back in shape
Ever since I got back from US, I have been greeted with comments such as "You've lost weight!" or "Man, you're shrinking!" and even "Dude, your dark!" (from my skin color hehe). And I do see and feel that I've lost weight... not just weight, but my muscle mass.
A couple of months not going to the gym and the stress of work does that to you. So now I am back to the gym with a new trainer trying to regain all the hard work I've put in. First few sessions was painful. It has been a long time since I got that burn. It doesn't feel good.... but at least I know it brings with it the thought that I will get in shape again.
Good thing about working out hard again is that my appetite is coming back. I need to eat a lot in order to work out, but the problem with me is I don't eat a lot if I don't work out. And I can't work out hard enough if I don't eat. That is where the trainer comes in. You are forced to work out since you have an appointment to make, and the fact that you paid for it.
So I will be in a lot of pain for the next month or so until I get back to my peak, which is all good. But my wallet is getting a beating as well though hehehe
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6:45 AM