Why is it that the last 1 hour always seem longer?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
road rage
Those who have ridden with me in a car knows how I get worked up against stupid-ass drivers on the streets. Even as a passenger I get pissed off at the other driver's who think they own the road and that they're the only ones driving along. Although I don't get into actual fights in these occassions, I do let the other party know I'm pissed through a variety of ways.
I found out last Thursday that I didn't need a car to have a reason to lash out at other drivers...
Commuting is always a hassle, especially if you are raring to get some rest after work and gym. As I crossed Quezon Ave. I scouted for which jeepney on the queue I was going to ride home. After deciding, as I walked in between two jeepneys to get on I noticed one of the jeepneys started to move forward. I figured he was going to stop before he hit the jeepney in front, as most normal jeepneys do. Then I felt some pressure on my knee as the jeepney kept moving. I was actually stuck in between two jeepneys!
Ok, I figured the driver made a mistake and was going to back up immediately so I looked at him to see any reactions. I was half expecting him to apologize, but instead I got this challenging look as if saying "Wacha gonna do about that bitch?". He messed with the wrong guy.
I balled up my fist, hit the hood of the jeepney and shouted "Iatras mo! naiipit ako!".
I don't think he reversed his ride but I got loose as the other jeepney moved forward a bit. I was about to let it go at that, but somehow through my earphones I heard him say something. I couldn't remember what it was, but it sounded taunting. Wrong move fucker. Furious, I shouted back "PUTANGINA MO!". I got the last word and got on another jeepney for my ride home.
I was still reeling from anger until I got home, all that testosterone and adrenaline coursing through my veins. I knew I could've beaten the guy to a pulp. He was in a confined area, and I could punch him in the face without him putting much of a fight. UFC moves went through my head, using fists and elbows to bring this asshole down. Tactical analysis showede I had the upper hand in that situation.
Fucker. If I wasn't in a hurry to get home or if I wasn't bringing a bag or had my cellphone in a belt clip he would've regretted hitting me and being an ass about it. Fuckin' asshole.
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1:05 PM