Before the end of last year, a handful of officemates and I made a bet to get ourselves in better shape. Although our targets where as varied as our reasons it was still a good motivator for all of us to get into shape, which was what was important in the first place.
My goal was 150lbs by April (exact date depended on the last person to come back from their respective international assignments). And last night as I stepped on the scale, lo and behold... 150lbs square. I wasn't a pound heavier or lighter. Talk about hitting the nail right on the head!
Despite reaching my objective, I feel that I can still improve on it. I am thinking of going up to 160lbs. Scouring the internet for an ideal body weight for my height, I found that the range I should be shooting for is 154 - 169lbs. Additionally Karl da German sent me a link to the Ideal Grecian Proportion and with a 6.5 inch wrist, I still have a lot of mass to build.
So an additional objective has been set...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
objective completed
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1:22 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Somebody took my car yesterday. Well, technically it’s my dad’s car… and in recent time’s used by my sister. But for some time in my life it was mine, and now it’s gone… sold to some anonymous buyer.
It has been with us since 1994 and I learned driving with it, when my dad and I would switch seats a few hundred meters away from my high school and I’d drive us in. I eventually was able to take it out on my own, and by the time I was in college it was practically mine.
I would commute to school with it, visit some friends, go out to parties and overnighters (school related or otherwise). It was my constant companion and I always kept it at least half a tank full of petrol, thanks to the free 300 liter my dad gets every month hehehe
I was always willing to give a ride home to friends in far off places like Sucat or Pasay. If anyone wanted a ride and I wasn’t busy, it was never a problem for me. I could always count on that car, I’ve taken it as far as Tagaytay, Antipolo, Batangas and everywhere in between. I may have abused the engine at more than a normal driver would at times (thanks to JM introducing me to some racing concepts) and drove with an intense need for speed on more than one occasion, but she never got me to an accident. Except for 2 spin outs, but that didn’t hurt anyone hehehe
I always thought that someday (a very far off “someday”) when I had a girlfriend, I would be able to have her beside me in that car and go wherever. Have that long drive with your girlfriend beside you and a dependable car in your control was the shit for me. But I guess that will never happen (not with that particular car).I’ve always told my friends that my car was a go-anywhere-car, and I guess it still is… it just went to another person that will take it anywhere they desire.
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2:31 PM