After exploring the farm a bit we were off back to Tagbilaran, but instead of retracing our route we did a bit of a round about. We stopped by another peak where we could see more Chocolate Hills.
the route
more pics at peak
Along the way we stopped by the Maribojoc Watchtower where they used to stand watch against Moro raiders.
where the goddamn raiders at?
ahoy there!
After getting back to Tagbilaran and having a sumptuous lunch, we headed off to Panglao Island to hang out at the beach and look for decent dive rates. Man, all their prices where tourist rates and in US dollars! We weren’t able to find a resort that we liked so we spent most of the afternoon hopping from one beach to another. Around sunset, we found a place that served some shakes… a perfect conclusion for the day.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Bohol Vacation: Part III
Posted by
5:21 PM
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I signed up for 15 days of one-on-one training with a personal trainer in my gym yesterday and he promised me to have significant gains in the next 2 weeks of hell on earth. I dunno what in the world I was thinking when I decided to go for it, but I may be having second thoughts about it right now. I’ve now had 2 days of torture.
My legs hurt like a mofo! We started off with squats for my glutes and hamstrings, and this really brought out a sweat. I was glad it was over and hoped to move on to the next exercise, but alas my trainer set me up for another variation of the squats. I damned near died! I started feeling light-headed after the second set, heard ringing in my ears, my vision started getting cloudy, and I knew my presence of mind was starting to slip away. I was ready to pass out anytime. I am such a wuss. In my defense though, I haven’t had lunch or any decent meal prior to heading to the gym as I was stuck inside the US embassy for 3 hours.
We were supposed to do 4 exercises per muscle group, with the legs and shoulders for this session, but I was too tired that we ended up with 2 exercises for the legs and 1 for biceps (he decided to put it in at the last minute given my condition).
And that was just for the first day! Good thing yesterday’s workout was a bit more rewarding. But my legs still hurt like a mofo! And we will be doing a 6 day workout week! God help me….
No second thoughts on my commitment though. With my personal trainer’s drive I know we are going to get results… I just hope I make it out alive.
Posted by
11:49 AM
Friday, December 09, 2005
troop morale
A friend of mine usually asks me if I am happy whenever we get a chance to talk. The answer would normally be a “I think so” or a “Sort of”. Personally, this kind of question demands a really honest answer, hence the indefinite response. We would play around with the idea behind it for a while, and I would just always say that I haven’t an idea what true happiness for me is. Although there is that lingering feeling that my life is not complete, I am satisfied with my life. I’m ok. As some of my friend put it, I’m a pretty steady guy when it comes to life. I just take it a day at a time.
If ever that question would be asked again, this time I would probably have a more definite answer. No.
There are a few things that’s been really bothering me these past few weeks, and upon further reflection started bubbling up a few months back. It’s quite difficult to explain, and to keep things short it’s quite bogging me down. I feel tired 24 hours a day, exhausted by everything. And it feels like I’m fighting a whole lot of shit off every second, trying to escape this dark cloud looming overhead.
Maybe I should just stop worrying about it and just go back to the laid back, steady old me. Not a care in the world, where everything’s cool…
Posted by
6:20 PM